Sunday, January 29, 2017

Blood on her hands

The day before a massacre at a Quebec Mosque Kellie Leitch attacked a motion opposing Islamophobia as 'special privileges'.

Presumably that includes the special privilege to sit at prayer without being shot...

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Empire of the Pig, Day Two: Make them Squeal! UPDATED


In every article about white nationalists or the 'Alt right', two terms designed specifically to obscure the much simpler word Nazi, you see the word 'emboldened'.

The rise of Trump has 'emboldened' the Alt Right, White Nationalists feel 'emboldened' by his victory.

They shouldn't.

Still love Open Carry right wingers?
They should feel frightened.  They should feel hunted. They should feel exposed.

They shouldn't be able to go anywhere without anxiously looking over their shoulders.

They should feel like there is no safe place to promote their sick pathology of race hatred, fascism and bile.

They should feel that way because there isn't.

Nazism is the ideology of murderous gangsters.  You don't give murderous gangsters a platform to argue the merits of murder and gangsterism, you treat them as the threat they are.

If you cannot convince a Fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement.

"Oh but we shouldn't sink to their level!  We should protect their free speech rights and treat them with respect."

You aren't on a safely anonymous Stormfront forum right now.

They sneer at gullible liberals, trying to treat them as just other legitimate actors in a democratic marketplace of ideas.  Their own response to opponents and critics anywhere the scum has risen to the top and claimed power is murder and savage repression, death squads and gas chambers.  The fact that they've got publicists and image makeovers and sexy new names like 'Alt Right' doesn't change what they are.

They are the enemy of the whole human race and should be treated as such.

UPDATE 1/22/2017:

Punching Nazis works:
"Mr. Spencer said he was worried about being attacked again.
“I don’t think I could go out to an inauguration event without bodyguards or a protest or a conference,” he said. “I am more worried about going out to dinner on an average Tuesday because these kind of people are roaming around.”
On Periscope, Mr. Spencer also expressed concern about the spread of the footage of the attack online.
“I’m afraid this is going to become the meme to end all memes,” he said. “That I’m going to hate watching this.”

Friday, January 20, 2017

Empire of the Pig: America Uber Alles!

Trump uses an explicitly Bundist slogan from the movement opposing the fight against Hitler:

(CNN)"My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people, and American security, above all else. That will be the foundation of every decision that I will make. America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration."
It is extremely unfortunate that in his speech Wednesday outlining his foreign policy goals,Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First," the name of the isolationist, defeatist, anti-Semitic national organization that urged the United States to appease Adolf Hitler.

Empire of the Pig: Day One, Overture

We can't count on liberals and their cherished institutions or standard of decorum and responsible governance they keep hoping against hope the Republicans will come back to embracing.
But of course, the whole post war amity between Republicans and Democrats was based on shared assumptions about liberal democracy and the need to give the American people a real stake in their nation's success. Plus a real and disturbingly successful looking - at the time - alternative model from an enemy they felt they had to compete with in wealth expansion and social welfare.
The fight against fascism rubbed their noses in the dangers of both ethnonationalism and extreme economic equality. To greater and lesser degrees both parties agreed with an activist state and yes, wealth redistribution. That and an explicit recognition of the value of trade unionism and loosening of the legal blockades to workers organizing created the single biggest expansion of wealth and health in human history. It was an activist state and unionized workers that created the middle class.
As World War II recedes from living memory the global right slinks back to ethnic scapegoating and gilded age style robber baron exploitation like a dog returning to its vomit.
There's no common ground, no basis for cooperation or trust in institutions to protect the shredded post war consensus.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Empire of the Pig: Zero Minus One

If nothing else, the lies, the bullying, the racism, the utter incompetence do not disqualify Donald Trump from holding office as the town dog catcher he cruelly mocked and crudely mimicked a disabled reporter.

He did. It's not ambiguous, its not debatable, it's not forgivable and just the act of denying it in the face of the undeniable evidence is itself cowardly and sickening and insulting. It's textbook gas-lighting. It's 'Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?'

The act of contempt for both one man and everyone else with the insistence that we did not see what we clearly saw is the Rosetta stone of Trump atrocities in one incident.

 Everything you need to know about what a complete and utter asshole is about to befoul the White House in one childishly vicious and piggish act of sniggering mean-spirited cruelty.

Don't kid yourself.  Don't yearn to accept the normalization efforts  which will become increasingly frantic as the gatekeepers try to keep things running while Caligula marries his horse.

We need to accept the numbing unavoidable truth unflinchingly and resolutely in the face of a blast wave of gaslighting.

Never lose sight of the observable, inescapable reality.