Voting for Donald Trump was an act of contempt for the people he will hurt.
"I was just voting against Clinton!" Fuck you, there's no box on the ballot that says 'Against Clinton'.
You voted for a narcissistic sociopath, and you did it because he promised to stick it to brown people.
You bought him, you own him.
Demographics will swing things back, no matter how much gerrymandering and voter suppression a Republican Supreme Court lets the GOP get away with, short of physically blocking non whites from the polls this wire thin win cannot overcome the reality that the electorate is 2% less white, every election.
Your kids will be sent to war again. The people around Trump know he's a one term president who will massively damage the Republican brand and will be looking for a 'bad guy' to distract you with. Probably not Russia though, since the White House is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Putin oligarchy.
There were credible reports before the election that Trump was honey trapped and compromised during a visit to Moscow. Considering some of the accusations against him (Guess that child rape trial is off now) we probably don't want to see the photos spread across Putin's desk right now.
But we will, it's inevitable.
In four years half the people who voted Trump last night will be pretending they never heard of him.
The rest of the world will neither forgive, nor forget