Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The news too tough for Americans

Newsweek's cover story for its international editions is a picture of an armed Jihadi and titled 'Losing Afghanistan'.

In it's stateside edition the same issue's cover is a profile of a celebrity photographer.

The American people are being treated like milk-fed veal and told no unpleasant truths that might affect their digestion - or their vote.

This is what we can expect from the American media with an election in the offing: Iraq vanished from the news, any negative stories about the Bush administration soft-pedaled, flat-out lies like 'Bush loses torture fight' and if all else fails, an October surprise that makes Bush look like a winner.

Expect some new celebrity scandal media frenzy to push the real news off the air, something involving Brad Pitt or a runaway bride maybe.

Come on Americans please snap out of it and show the rest of us you haven't really become such sheep.

Because it's later than you think.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Cliff, don't know how this came to your attention, but you don't miss much. One cover for the US, one for the rest of the planet, how pathetic is that? I knew Karl was powerful, but this is incredible. Forwarding this to all my American friends, hope they kick up a fuss over it. While they still can.

    And your line about 'milk fed veal'
    is priceless!
