The folks at Boing Boing take copyright law seriously and they've been withering in their contempt for Canada's Heritage minister Bev Oda. They sounded the alarm about her shameless pre-election money grubbing from multinational and American Entertainment companies, who she then went on to be the Minister responsible for regulating after being elected. Of course she then got caught taking money from them again, while in her role as Heritage Minster and was forced to give the money back.
She and the Harper government have signaled their intention to bring Canadian copyright law into line with the fondest wishes of the American entertainment industry.
As friendly, even sycophantic, as she's been with the industry and corporate leaders she's shunned actual artists and arts groups. Yesterday at a Canadian Museums Association luncheon where she was the speaker, the President of the Association tried to present her with a boomerang to represent how promises will always come back to you. It was a pointed reminder of the promise of a comprehensive museum plan and funding guarantee the Conservatives made in the last election and have ignored ever since.
Oda stiffly refused the Boomerang and fled the room.
Good find Cliff.
ReplyDelete"In her speech, Oda appeared to recognize the need for a museums policy but said a "plan" must first to be developed.
Association officials said they have provided the minister with all the information she needs for a plan, and it is now up to her to act."
It's just like the Made in Canada plan that took them most of their first year to work out, despite it being a priority for some other parties for years before 2006.
Woman's frigging incoherent when she isn't boring us to death.
ReplyDeleteFrom her article in NaPo on the, ahem, UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions :
"With the entry into force of the Convention on March 18, we are taking a significant step. However, we must now turn our attention to implementation. Once again, we are counting on the support of our partners within Canada and around the world. We will continue to demonstrate leadership internationally so that our position is well understood -- particularly at the First Conference of Parties, to be held by the summer of 2007.
This is why Canada will stand as a candidate for election to the intergovernmental committee that will be established during the First Conference of Parties, and that will be responsible for monitoring the Convention. By sitting on the committee, Canada will be able to ensure that it has a voice in decisions concerning the implementation of the Convention, the interpretation of its articles and action to be taken with regard to international co-operation. Canada will also be able to ensure that civil society plays a significant role in the implementation of the Convention and that the treaty remains firmly focused on the field of application for which it was designed."
Hello? Cliff? You still awake?
Never use a few words to say nothing when you can use several words - to say nothing.