Saturday, May 26, 2007

Power Worship

But what is happening to the Republican party -- the transformation of its base from Falwell/Robertson social conservatism obsessed with abortion and gay rights into a macro version of the Little Green Footballs comment section, obsessed instead with, literally excited by, detaining and torturing people, maximizing government domestic surveillance, starting still new wars in the Middle East and being far more brutal with the current ones ("doing what needs to be done") -- is too extreme to ignore.
This is what a right wing party going fascist looks like. This is a well trod path the Americans are on.

Ignoring Santayana is always a mistake.

Update: An American Vet says the same thing.

What most liberals have so far failed to understand — because they tend to be people with kind hearts and sensibilities — is that the Republican Party has been commandeered by Nazis. They are not just the opposition party anymore, they are evil. This has been building for years, and I have been alive long enough to have witnessed much of it. There was the John Birch Society, and Watergate, and Iran-Contra and now this.

As a veteran, Memorial Day takes on increasing importance to me every year. That's probably because the sh*t goes on and on. Twice in my lifetime I have seen our leaders betray the nation and especially the war-fighters by concocting phony reasons for wars of occupation — wars that were doomed to failure because they were wars of occupation. What they can't understand, these armchair heroes, is that the Injuns shoot back. It happened at Little Big Horn, it happened in Vietnam and it's happening now.

I mean, for Christ's sake, if there were a foreign army kicking down doors in LA, we'd all be f*&king insurgents. Duh!

And I need to remind my progressive friends that the last time a narcissistic a**hole from Texas with links to Halliburton used lies to launch a hopeless war, it was a Democrat.

When I was commissioned as a second lieutenant in USAF Officer Training Class 67-E, I took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." I have come to regard the Bush Administration and their supporters as domestic enemies. I hope the Democratic Party gets that, before it is too late for democracy.

Because it sure as hell can happen here! As for me, I think it already has.


  1. I've always admired Santayana except for those interminable drum solos.

    (...bad joke, bad bad alison...)
