Monday, July 30, 2007

Canadian named Giuliani health care policy advisor

She's one of the Fraser Institutes's pod-people, which probably tells you all you need to know about Rudy's ultimate health care plan.

Her role will be to be the voice of 'wisdom' about the horrors of Canadian style single payer health care. This is all the Fraser Institute and their fellow travelers have anymore: They know they'll never snow Canadians with their nonsense, so the idea is to hold the line against single-payer in the US with bullshit propaganda that Canadians would hoot at if they tried to sell it up here.

Sally Pipes is president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, a conservative San Francisco-based think tank founded in 1979. Prior to becoming president in 1991, she was assistant director of the Fraser Institute in Vancouver, Canada.

Ms. Pipes writes, speaks, and gives invited testimony at the national and state levels on key health-care issues facing America. Topics have included the false promise of a single-payer system as exists in Canada, pharmaceutical pricing, solving the problem of the uninsured, and strategies for consumer-driven health care. She appears in Michael Moore’s movie "Sicko" and has participated in prominent debates and public forums, testified before five committees of the California and Oregon legislatures, appeared on popular television programs, participated in talk radio shows nationwide, and had 45 opeds published on health care issues in 2006.

Her book, "Miracle Cure: How to Solve America’s Health Care Crisis and Why Canada Isn’t the Answer" was released September 28, 2004.

Update: Sally did some extensive public sucking up to Rudy prior to the announcement that she was joining his team.

See The Fraser Institute's Fighting Retreat on Healthcare.

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