Thursday, March 20, 2008

"Coffee, tea or 20,000 volts?"

Lamperd, a "firearm training system" company, has patented a bracelet that delivers debilitating shocks when remotely triggered. Their killer app for this is aviation safety: they're proposing that the TSA could force everyone who flies to wear one of these and then flight-attendants could zap us into a stupor if we turn out to be Al Quaeda.


  1. You realize this thing will be used in the airport too... on people who dare complain about the five-hour process of going through security...

  2. And it clearly hasn't occurred to them that the first thing the clever terrorist would do is hack the system and use it to control the passengers.

  3. "first thing the clever terrorist would do is hack the system and use it to control the passengers"
    Yep. Better yet - how is it selective? In the heat of the moment the frightened airline worker zaps the 90 year old lady two rows down from the troublemaker. Little old lady suffers severe trauma. little old lady ends up owning airline. That scenario is an ambulance chaser's wet dream.
