Wednesday, September 10, 2008

May is in the debate

As anyone could have predicted, the other leaders have withdrawn their objections and Elizabeth May will be in the debate.

The political path has been cleared for Elizabeth May to participate in the televised leaders debates after first NDP Leader Jack Layton and minutes later Conservative Leader Stephen Harper withdrew threats to boycott.
The reversals could be a pivotal point in this federal election campaign.
Dogged by protesters and divisions within the ranks of his own party, Mr. Layton told reporters during a visit to a solar-panel company here Wednesday that the debate about the debate has become an unwanted distraction.
“I have only one condition for this debate, that the Prime Minister is there, because I want to debate the issues with him,” said Mr. Layton. “I don't want to be debating the debate forever.”
Mr. Layton's change of heart put the onus squarely on the shoulders of Mr. Harper to decide where the block against Ms. May will remain.
Conservative spokesman Kory Teneycke then said the Tories were dropping their opposition to Ms. May participating in the debate. “Our point of principle doesn't change but . . . we would not boycott the debate,” Mr. Teneycke said.
“We don't think she should be there. But if the NDP have decided they're changing their position, we will not stand alone.”

Can we put a fork in this nonsense now?


  1. Absolutely! Let's get back to talking about the real issues not the demands of Elizabeth Maydion.

    That said: people should read former GPC strategis Dan Baril's blog if they want to understand why some of us were pretty upset:

  2. God forbid the Conservatives should have to take a stand without the NDP at their side.

    Um ... what?

  3. Dan Baril writes a great blog. He doesn't write all the time, but last year I got on his mailing list, so he sends me a link when he writes.

    He is very thoughtful and insightful. Also very principled. His last 2 postings really provide understanding of the redgreen show.
