Friday, December 11, 2009

This is a joke, right?

Sarah Palin. Coming to Canada. To attend a fundraiser for two Hamilton hospitals.

Did somebody dose my coffee this morning?

Gabe Macaluso, a member of the committee organizing the dinner at Carmen's Banquet Centre, said: "This is quite the coup. She's one of the hottest speakers on the Speakers Bureau. The demand is huge."

The former Alaska governor recently joined the Washington Speakers Bureau, which represents former president George W. Bush.

Palin will speak at a fundraiser for the Juravinski Cancer Centre and St. Peter's Hospital. Organizers hope to sell 1,000 tickets at $200 a plate, but raise more via photos with her.

1 comment:

  1. Huge demand? One might even venture that interest might be of MAMMOTH proportions.

