Sunday, December 06, 2009

War on Hannukah

Saying something non-denominational like Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas, particularly in a generic institutional setting is a simple gesture of respect to non-Christians who don't celebrate Christmas like Jews, Muslims or Hindus. To loud mouths like the Big Giant Head, showing respect to anybody else is a sign of insult to Christians.

Why does Bill O'Reilly hate the Jewish people?

Bill O'Reilly has targeted an elementary school in Massachusetts for daring to have a non-religious holiday fair.

Byam Elementary School banned all religious decorations from its Gift Room. It's the way they've done it for years; when the Parent Teachers Organization held meetings encouraging new people to get involved in the event and brainstorm about new ideas, no one but past volunteers responded. Then, once planning was underway, some families started complaining about the secular nature of the fair -- and quickly got their ire broadcast on talk

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