Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Come To America. Bring Irony.

Hi -- it's me your friendly neighborhood astrologer, Matthew Currie. Once more Cliff has taken off for a while and left the keys in his blog, so I'm going to drive it around for a few days.

You know, I've thought of all the things I could tell my Canadian friends about my year in America... the big and the little cultural differences and such... but I doubt I could tell you anything new that you hadn't already figured out.

The one big thing to keep in mind when you're down here? Everyone is afraid. All the time.


1 comment:

  1. "They've got a big target on there, ATF. Don't shoot at that because they've got a vest on underneath that. Head shot, head shots." - G. Gordon Liddy in 1994 advising a caller to his radio show on the best method of murdering government employees.

    I'm in Edmonton for a few days out of my vacation trip and pleased to see Matthew's contributions to Rusty Idols in the time he can take away from his own vast media empire.
