Thursday, April 14, 2011

'Kettling' Declared Illegal in UK

Yes, the same controversial police tactic infamously used in Toronto during the G20.  This precedent should be swiftly argued in Canadian courts.
Police are to appeal against today's High Court decision declaring unlawful controversial "kettling" tactics used against demonstrators during G20 protests in central London two years ago.

The judgment led to a call from human rights lawyers for an "immediate change to police attitudes and tactics".

But the Metropolitan Police expressed concern over the impact of the ruling on its ability "to prevent disorder within protests".

The judgment was a victory for Hannah McClure, a student, and Josh Moos, a campaigner for Plane Stupid, who had challenged the legality of the "violent" restraint methods used against them at the Camp for Climate Action in Bishopsgate on April 1 2009.

It was the day newspaper seller Ian Tomlinson died after being struck by a police officer at a separate G20 protest at the nearby Royal Exchange.
UPDATE: Didn't take long for lawyers for victims of Toronto's kettling incidents to jump on this:
“This case is very important and will be used by us in the court,” said Murray Klippenstein, who has filed a $45 million class action lawsuit against the Toronto Police Services Board over the G20 in Toronto last June.
UPDATE 2:  As a result of the High Court ruling, 'thousands' of people illegally detained may sue for false imprisonment.  Maybe the only way to get the police to not do this kind of thing is to make it incredibally expensive when they do.

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