Tuesday, May 17, 2011

There are blogs that get more viewers than Sun TV

Not, you know, mine, but not by that much.
The so-called "Fox News North" specialty service initially struck estimated ratings of about 31,000 viewers on its evening launch of April 18, but has now dropped to as little as 4,000 and 5,000 viewers in the evening slots with hosts Brian Lilley and Charles Adler, CP reported.
CP said sources had provided it with overnight estimates from BBM Canada.
Ezra Levant’s program “The Source” received an estimated 31,000 viewers on launch day, but those numbers fell to 12,000 on Wednesday that week, and by the following Monday had reached an estimated 19,000.
CP reported that at 7 p.m. last Friday, Sun News Network journalist Theo Caldwell was drawing an estimated 11,000 viewers nationally while CBC News Network rated 263,000 and CNN 38,000 viewers in Canada.
We now rejoin the view from the couch in Ezra's mom's basement...

"Ezra's World! Party on! Excellent! The free market is bodacious and Muslims are bogus!"  etc...etc...

I encourage Quebecor and the Sun Chain to double down.  Pour money into this pit boys! Hold on by your fingernails until you've drained Quebecor dry the way the National Pest helped suck CanWest dry.  Ideology demands it.

1 comment:

  1. Theo Caldwell As Bill O'Reilly and Ezra Levant as Glen Beck. They should get Genies for "Most compelling portrayal of Fox news personalities"
