Desperate, poll driven policy designed to triangulate with ruthless electoral precision and avoid giving the government something to attack them with has driven the Liberal Party down to third party status.
Firmly and conscientiously opposing the Government's hop, skip and a jump from a police state overplay with C-51 was viewed as a catastrophic mistake by the NDP. Commentators confidently predicted that Thomas Mulcair had misread the public mood after the attack on parliament and this would be where the Liberals, more in tune with the electorate would pull away into firm second place and Harper, most in tune of all, into the lead.
Instead, despite the great effort of the media to create that narrative, the Canadian public recoiled in disgust from the savage, ideological Conservatives and also the blatant, amoral schemers the Liberals openly pronounced themselves to be.
"“I do not want this government making political hay out of an issue … or trying to, out of an issue as important as security for Canadians,This conversation might be different if we weren’t months from an election campaign, but we are,” - Justin Trudeau
And so the rights and freedoms of Canadians are knowingly and openly sacrificed to protect the Liberal Party of Canada's standing in the polls. This has always been the Liberal Party's MO, Trudeau's just the first leader stupid enough to admit it openly.
Meanwhile the NDP stood on principle and staked out a position that was deeply unpopular in the polls, and benefit now from being there waiting when the Canadian public reached the same conclusion.
That's called leadership, its something voters remember in the polling booth.
ReplyDeleteI've been saying roughly this for a long time in an economic context. There are always those who want to push social democratic parties to the right economically on the basis that, while it goes against our principles, it supposedly increases electability. Compromise, compromise and compromise some more.
But the lesson from the looney right, particularly in the US, is that people will often vote for a strong apparently principled stand, for someone who expresses opinions strongly and refuses to compromise on them. Those bastards certainly didn't succeed by compromising, compromising and compromising some more. Even though most people don't actually agree with most of their positions, they've taken over the Republican party and had a great deal of electoral success, partly because they've got money backing them, but partly precisely because they never back up.
Often times, all that you get from lots of compromising on your principles is, you become compromised. If you do it enough, you end up like Labor under Tony Blair--they won, but got nothing at all that they'd wanted because they let Blair give it all away. If you do it not quite enough, all you do is allow the general consensus to say your new watered-down position is the new loony fringe and everything you actually stand for no longer even available for discussion. It's just giving away the Overton Window for nothing.