Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Killing the Wheat Board continued...

In response to a comment to my last post on the subject:

If the Wheat Board is so bad why is the government trying to avoid holding the vote by farmers required by the act forming the board before killing it? Why would the Conservative Party, champions of greater democracy, liberty and good government be trying so hard to avoid holding the vote required by law?

This act alone virtually guarantees that the government would lose any court challenge to its proposed changes, much like its reactionary three strikes proposal will. Why would we want the government we pay taxes to, to wantonly throw away our money like that?

Why has the Alberta government felt it necessary to have spent so much money trying to undermine the Wheat Board? In the marketplace of ideas, why does "Wheat Board bad" require massive government subsidization in order to survive?

Why if its so unpopular with farmers - the small minority just this side of the border situated to take advantage of spot prices at least - why is the government so terrified of getting the opinion of the majority of farmers on the subject?

Why is seemingly any attempt to promote the opposite viewpoint subject to furious censorship attempts?

Why should a bargaining entity that benefits a majority be dismantled for the advantage of a slim minority? Against the will of the majority?

Does it represent the core values of the Conservative Party of Canada to suppress dissent and suppress democracy?

Hold the vote. Let the farmers themselves decide. The minority opinion accepting the will of the majority in the form of a democratic vote is the cornerstone concept of this country - not 'fuck you Jack, I've got mine.' as you may have heard.


  1. Statement was made:

    "The minority opinion accepting the will of the majority in the form of a democratic vote is the cornerstone concept of this country "

    Apply that same claim to those arguing that the majority had no say in the minority of same sex couples wanting to marry.

    When farmers in another part of Canada ARE already allowed to be separate from The Wheat Board, how do you get around *discrimination* and equal rights issues?

  2. If you can't see - or are choosing not to - the distinction between the future of a grain marketing board and human rights as applied to sexual identity - we really don't have even a basis for discussion.

    Future comments will require an identity - anonymous posts aren't allowed here.
