Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Complaining is good for the economy

Excellent Cory Doctorow rant about the value of complaining about crappy service.

Companies aren't charities. They're businesses. It doesn't matter why they're offering an unacceptable product -- all that matters is that the product is unacceptable. Companies aren't five-year-olds bringing their fingerpaintings home from kindergarten. We don't have to put on a brave smile and tell them, "that's just lovely dear," and display their wares proudly on the fridge. I don't care if Apple adds DRM because Lars from Metallica has incriminating photos of Steve Jobs, I don't care if Sony BMG put a rootkit on its CDs because they were duped into it by a trickster spirit that appeared to their technologists in a dream. I care whether their product is worth my money. It's the market -- there's no A for Effort.

And my favorite line which should be at the forefront of people's minds when signing up cellphone, Internet or utility services:
Lock-ins are never good for customers: a business that isn't confident that it can keep your business by providing the best product at the best price is a business that isn't planning on providing the best product at the best price.
If, for example, Telus is willing to give you a whole computer system if you agree to be locked into their so-called high speed Internet service for five years - think about why they don't want you to have the option of leaving after you've tried it for a while.

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