Thursday, April 22, 2010

What they didn't want you to see

Hundreds of pages of government documents and emails about the banning of George Galloway that the government accidentally released and then tried to seize back and censor have now been released by Rabble. You can find them here.

Among other things they show that when Jason Kenney said his office was not involved in the banning of Galloway it was in fact intimately involved. Including a possible serious breach of privacy law as the British press found out about Galloway's banning before he did.

These are serious allegations of extremely illegal behavior by agents of the government, illuminated by an accidental application of the kind of freedom of information this government has steadfastly tried avoid at any cost. Seeing the evidence they tried to suppress in this case gives a hint of the cynicism and disregard for legal norms that lurk behind massive redaction on the documents they release willingly.

Rabble invites readers to crowd source the document dump here. I know what I'm doing tonight.

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