- The EUB forget that the coverup is always the biggest scandal
Caught in multiple lies. Mason calls for heads to roll. - Primary Sources: Cryptome
Like The Smoking Gun, but about the secrets of the intelligence community. - The deniers big gotcha moment changes nothing
NASA's math error does not detract from the overwhelming consensus on anthropogenic global warming. - There is no God
Really think about opening this link. It's too late for me, I'll never get it out of my head, but the sun still shines for you. - Fox News engaging in hacker attacks on Fark.com?
Sure as hell looks that way. - Madre Dios! The legends are true!
Meanwhile Jr says that 'He would have succeeded too, if it hadn't been for those pesky Democrats and that dog!' - Parsing Giuliani
Beneath the platitudes, a foreign policy maniac. - The weekly American editorial cartoons
From Bob Geiger.

Re: There is no God.
Cliff, this is the lowest thing you have ever done. I currently have "Highway to Hell" and "Long Way to go if you want to Rock and Roll" on a continuous loop in my MP3 player, trying to purge the poison from my mind.
The wages of sin are death, my friend, meaning as soon as I find (or concoct) Liberace doing the Clash, you are a dead man.
Now, back to happy thoughts...Angus, not Celine, Angus, not Celine...
Nobody can say that I didn't provide fair warning.
In best Doc Doom voice: If I have to suffer, so must all!
I too had a look.
You're on my list, Cliff... you bastard.
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