- Truthdig - 9/11 Video Tribute
As an alternative to ABC's fiction here's the video record from the day and immediately after. Jon Stewart's choked first monologue after the attacks is almost impossible to watch. - Harvey Keitel clashed with makers of ABCs 'Triumph of the Will' take on 9/11
Apparently without his efforts it would have been even nuttier than it is. - Proof of the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Much more compelling evidence than madonnas on toast. - Disturbingly professional Nine Inch Nails video on the theme of Kirk/Spock Slash.
The creepiest thing is how easy it was to find all this subtext. - Ralph Klein's Real Legacy
Condensed version in Tyee of this month's Alberta Views article. Good magazine that puts the lie to the myth of homogeneous Albertan political conservatism. - Arcade Image
Luminously beautiful paintings. The artistic equivalent of sweaty 2 AM chill-out lounge electronica.

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